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' Luhn (mod 10) algorithm
function luhn(byVal input)
dim sum
dim odd
dim currentDigit
dim regEx
input = CStr(input)
sum = 0
odd = CBool(len(input) mod 2)
' Remove any non-numeric characters.
if not isNumeric(input) then
set regEx = new RegExp
regEx.Global = true
regEx.Pattern = "\D"
input = regEx.Replace(input, "")
set regEx = nothing
end if
' Calculate sum of digits.
for i = 1 to len(input)
currentDigit = cint(mid(input, i, 1))
if odd then
sum = sum + currentDigit
if currentDigit * 2 > 9 then
sum = sum + (currentDigit * 2 - 9)
sum = sum + (currentDigit * 2)
end if
end if
odd = not odd
' Check validity.
if sum mod 10 = 0 then
luhn = true
luhn = false
end if
end function
' Unit test - expected result is true
if luhn("9558821402001225732") then
response.write "true"
response.write "false"
end if